Inside Horror Sean's Mind
This IS my life - scary. Delve into the unknown, the paradox that is SEAN. Warning, Sean's beliefs may not be suitable for children!
Saturday, January 17, 2004


Yes I'm going to use this as a tool to whore out Howard Dean. For you all that do not know who Howard Dean is, he's running for the Democratic nomination, eventually he hopes to take on George W Bush in November of 2004. Howard Dean is the former 5 term governor of the state of Vermont. While governor Dean balanced the state's budget every year in office; but not only that gave 96% of ALL Vermonters health insurance. As president, Dean wants to create a universal healthcare plan that will insure ALL Americans, no matter what their income level is.


- He's from the Democratic Wing of the Democratic Party.
- He opposed President Bush's unilateral attack of Iraq.
- He opposed No Child Left Behind - which leaves every child behind and no school board standing!
- He supports a woman's right to choose; opposing the partial birth abortion ban.
- He supports civil rights FOR all Americans, no matter what their race, sexual orientation, gender, religion, or culture.
- He was the first governor in AMERICAN HISTORY to sign the Civil Unions bill, an act that gave gay and lesbian couples the rights bestowed upon married couples.
- He wants to FIX the global problem by bridging the gap between America and her allies. Dean supports a global community that will create a safe, peaceful world.
- He believes in re-regulating corporations for they don't hinder the rights of AVERAGE AMERICANS!
- He believes SOME media needs to break up; he's an ardent supporter of independent media.
- He believes that NAFTA and the WTO should be stripped and re-worked, giving America a FAIR TRADE policy.

Those are just a few facts about Howard Dean. If you want to learn more about the man, PLEASE check these sites out:

Dean For America (Official Site)
Official Dean Blog

VOTE Howard Dean and take America BACK!
posted at 9:33 PM
